Tools to Help Improve Your Sleep Fitness

If you’re like many people—especially at the start of a new year—you do everything you can to be as healthy as possible. You sweat away hours every week in the gym and watch your diet to make sure that you're physically fit. But have you ever considered your sleep fitness? Sleep fitness is essential, and if you're not getting enough sleep or the quality of your sleep is poor, you'll experience the effects during waking hours. To help you improve your sleep fitness, here are some essential items to consider picking up. Blue Light Blocking Glasses It's no secret that staring at computer and smartphone screens all day isn't exactly beneficial. Even so, with demanding careers and busy lifestyles, abandoning these screens entirely often isn’t a viable option. Unfortunately, because light exposure is a natural trigger that tells our brain to wake up, exposure to blue light waves can throw off the body's natural circadian rhythm. To combat th...